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The Journey: w/ Founder Resources & Development, Steve McCrillis

CEO Jeff Sesol interviews Steve McCrillis from Resources and Development. Steve shares his journey Since 2003 Resources & Development has worked with overworked, underpaid business owners to dramatically increase profits for their small or medium size business. Being a business owner can be a lonely and often thankless job. You wear many hats, most of which you have the expertise for, and some that you may not. Sometimes vendors, employees, and even customers demand that they become your first priority and no one is looking out for you. And even though they may tell you some things you don’t want to hear from time to time, this only works if THEY ARE on your side. At Resources & Development, they want to help build a better battle plan. One that prioritizes which next step will yield the greatest results and deliver additional profits that provide a healthy ROI on your investment in our fees as well as the incredible investment in time, moneys, and efforts that you have already made. We all have a story, we are glad Steve shared his. Thanks Steve

"The moment you decide to start your business, your story begins." – Jeffrey Sesol

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