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Your Mid-Year Review

Do you have plan for 2022 or beyond? Do you have a strategy on how you want to implement that plan? If you answered 'No' to either of these questions, then we should be talking. It's time to Pull the Chute, see where you are at and where you want to go. 

During this one hour free consultation:

  • We will look at where your business is today, along with the company's strength's, weaknesses

  • Then we will discuss where you want it to be in 1 year and 3 years

  • Finally, we will discuss what's needed to make that all happen

Fill out this form to book time on my calendar. 
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What others are saying


“Such a big fan of yours always Jeff. Thank you for the amazing ride and looking forward to working with you in the future as we further drive impact in our industry with your amazing entrepreneurial talent and professionalism. All my best my friend.” - Jaymie Scotto Cutaia, CEO/Founder JSA


"Amazing growth in 2 years. Couldn’t have done it without you. What an amazing culture we built. Your patience, guidance, and wisdom not only helped us grow but kept us on track. Your counsel and presence when dealing with issues, big or small was such a calming effect not only on me but the team as well. Thanks for all you do.” - Mike Rhodes, CEO/Founder SonMedia.


"We had such a great experience working with you, Jeff. You always brought positive energy to every aspect of the company. Together we learned to “Pull the Chute”, take a look at where we were and where we wanted to go. So glad to see you’ve been able to bring all those philosophies under one brand. Excited for the companies you help in the future. They will never regret bringing you on to help them.” - Robert Weinroth, CEO/Founder MITA Partners.

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